Redesigning our world

Getting what you paid for is the main goal for our consumers. A lot of hard work goes on behind the scene to insure that everyone is satisfied with the end result. Everything neatly in its place, we feel like the best job was done. What happens when the work in...

Spread Joy Year Round

Many times we lose track of time, we get caught up in everyday life forgetting the little things. All the steps we take to make it to the top always include other people. A new goal should be to show how special each person’s task is and demonstrate the importance of...

Upcoming Mohawk Flooring Show In Dallas

We are excited to announce that the lone star state of Texas is welcoming all Mohawk Solutions 2014 Convention member’s. With a wide variety of entertainment and food there’s enough activities to keep you dancing into the night. Please feel free to wear...

Garage Gator Giveaway Accu-Cut knows that excellence comes from dedication and appreciation to all of our customers. We invite you to check out our page on Facebook and be apart of our giveaway. We currently are giving away a Garage Gator 225 storage system with...

Simplicity of Sales

A key to successfully sharing and selling a product, service or idea, is to ask questions and then listen quietly and carefully to the answers. Many of us try too hard to convince people to buy instead of discovering what our future customer or client really want’s,...

Family Owned and Operated

Family Owned and Operated                                                                           May 30th, 2013 We have a unique quality that has established our company and sent our sales off the chart. Watching the hard work turn in to a successful enterprise...